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Quest Rates


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Quest Rates

We have implemented a new system for the Quest rates that will help us balance every important quest in game and not only.

General Quest Rates:

  • RateQuestsRewardQIBased = x2. (For some quests that are not listed below)
  • RateQuestsAccessoryReward = x1.
  • RateQuestsScrollReward = x1.
  • RateQuestsRecipeReward = x1.
  • RateQuestsArmorReward = x1.
  • RateQuestsWeaponReward = x1.
  • RateQuestsRewardXP = x2.
  • RateQuestsRewardSP = x2.
  • RateQuestsAdenaReward = x1.

List of  Dynasty quests that have been adjusted.

  • Quest Reed Field Maintenance:
    MucrokianHidesDropChance = 50%
    MucrokianHidesDropCount = 1.
  • Quest Only What Remains:
    DirtyBeadsDropChance = 28%
    DirtyBeadsDropCount = 1.
  • Quest Expulsion Of Evil Spirits:
    SoulCoreContainingDropChance = 2%.
    SoulCoreContainingDropCount = 1.
    RagnaOrcAmuletDropChance = 20%.
    RagnaOrcAmuletDropCount = 1.
  • Quest Take Advantage Of The Crisis:
    MineralFragmentDropChance = 20%.
    MineralFragmentDropCount = 1.
  • Quest Giants Exploration part 1:
    AncientParchmentDropChance = 15%.
    AncientParchmentDropCount = 1.
    MysteriousBoxDropChance = 5%.
    MysteriousBoxDropCount = 1.
  • Quest A Powerful Primeval Creature:
    DinosaurEggDropChance = 10%
    DinosaurEggDropCount = 1.
    DinosaurTissueDropChance = 33%
    DinosaurTissueDropCount = 1.
  • Quest Rise And Fall Of The Elroki Tribe:
    BonesOfPlainsDinosaurDropChance = 20%
    BonesOfPlainsDinosaurDropCount = 1.
  • Quest Judes Request:
    LesserEvilWeaponDropChance = 30%
    GreaterEvilWeaponDropChance = 30%
    EvilWeaponDropCount = 1.
  • Quest Ghosts Of Batur:
    CursedBurialDropChance = 5%
    CursedBurialDropCount = 1.


List of  general quests that have been adjusted.

  • Quest Light Fragment:
    LightFragmentDropCount = 1.
  • Quest Dark Cloud Mansion (Instance)
    ContaminatedRewardCount = 3.
  • Quest Crystal Caverns (Instance)
    CrystalsRewardCount = 1. (Red-Clear-Blue Crystals).
  • Quest Im The Only One You Can Trust:
    StakatoFangsDropCount = 1.
  • Quest Gather Ingredients for Pie:
    ForPieVarnishMultiplier = x2.
  • Quest Hunting Leto Lizardman:
    LetoAdenaRewardMultiplier = x2.
    LetoAnimalBoneRewardMultiplier = x2. (50 x value)
    LetoAnimalSkinRewardMultiplier = x2. (50 x value)
  • Quest Black Swan:
    LizardFangDropChance = 100%.
    LizardFangDropCount = 1.
    LizardFangRewardMultiplier = x30.
    BarrelDropChance = 5%.
    BarrelDropCount = 1.
    BarrelRewardMultiplier = x500.
    BillOfIasonRewardMultiplier = x1.
  • Quest Supplier Of Reagents:
    ReagentPouchesDropChance = 100%.
    ReagentPouchesDropCount = 2.
    DemonsBloodDropChance = 73%
    DemonsBloodDropCount = 2.
  • Quest Giants Exploration part 2:
    TitanAncientBookDropChance = 15%.
    TitanAncientBookDropCount = 1.
  • Quest Yoke Of The Past:
    AncientScrollDropCount = 2.
  • Quest Get a Pet
    QIDropCount = 2.
  • Quest Quest for Fishing Shot:
    SweetFluidDropChance = 100%.
    SweetFluidDropCount = 1-3 for Low level monsters & 1-5 for High level monsters.
  • Quest Daimon the White Eyed Part 1:
    EvilSpiritDropCount = 2.
  • Quest Alliance With Ketra Orcs:
    VarkaBadgeSoldierCount = 2.
    VarkaBadgeCaptainCount = 2.
    VarkaBadgeGeneralCount = 2.
  • Quest War with Varka Silenos:
    WarWithVarkaSilenosDropMult = 2 (manes).
  • Quest Alliance With Varka Silenos:
    KetraBadgeSoldierCount = 2.
    KetraBadgeCaptainCount = 2.
    KetraBadgeGeneralCount = 2.
  • Quest War with Ketra Orcs:
    WarWithKetraOrcsDropMult = 2 (morals)
  • Quest Gather The Flames:
    TorchDropCount = 1.
  • Quest Relics Of The Old Empire:
    BrokenRelicDropCount = 1.
  • Quest The Finest Food:
    BuffaloMeatDropCount = 2.
    LeafOfFlavaDropCount = 2.
    AntelopeHornDropCount = 2.
  • Quest The Finest Ingredients Part 1:
    NepethesDropCount = 2.
    BandersnatchlingDropCount = 2.
    SecretSpiceCount = 2.
  • Quest Heart In Search Of Power:
    HeartAdenaRewardMultiplier = x2.
    HeartMaterialMultiplier = x1.
  • Quest Delicious Top Choice Meat:
    TopQualityMeatDropCount = 6.
    MaterialRewardMultiplier = x3.
  • Quest Necromancers Request:
    ZombieBrainDropChance = 100%
    ZombieBrainDropCount = 8.
  • Quest In Search of Dimensional Fragments:
    DimensionFragmentDropCount = 3.
  • Quest Seekers Of The HolyGrail:
    PaganTotemDropChance = 60%
    PaganTotemDropCount = 2.
  • Quest Guardians Of The Holy Grail:
    MonkScriptureDropChance = 85%
    MonkScriptureDropCount = 2.
  • Quest The Zero Hour:
    TheZeroHourDropChance = 80%
    TheZeroHourDropCount = 2.
  • Quest Attack Sailren:
    GazkhDropCount = 2.
  • Quest Grave Robber Annihilation:
    OrcGraveGoodsDropCount = 1.
    OrcGraveGoodsRewardMultiplier = x2.
  • Quest An Ice Merchants Dream:
    SilverIceCrystalDropCount = 1.
    SilverHemocyteDropCount = 1.
    SilverHemocyteDropChance = 10%
    Silver2BlackChance = 30%
  • Quest A Game Of Cards:
    RedGemDropChance = 35%
    RedGemDropCount = 2.
  • Quest Seductive Whispers:
    SpiritBeadDropChance = 35%.
    SpiritBeadDropCount = 2.
  • Quest Matras Suspicious Request:
    RedStoneDropCount = 2.
  • Quest How to Oppose Evil:
    FleetSteedDropCount = 2.
    NucleusDropCount = 2.
    BreathOfTiatDropCount = 1.
  • Quest Block the Lords Escape.
    VesperNobleEnhanceStoneRewardCount = 1.
  • Quest Proof of Existence:
    DeadmansRemainsDropCount = 1.
    BansheeQueensEyeDropCount = 1.
  • Quest Third Class Saga Quests:
    HalishaMarkDropCount = 2.
  • Hellbound Settings (Using Magic Bottle):
    CeltusContainedLifeForce = 3.
    ChimeraLifeForce = 3.
    ChimeraDimLifeForce = 2.
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