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Everything posted by Ray

  1. Newbie bonuses -Every Character Created since 17th February will receive Newbie Box that contains: Rune of EXP/SP 50% 5 Days, 1 Revita-Pop & 1 Potion of Energy Maintenance. -Vitality is not consumed until lvl 20. -Changed Client Limit for the Weekend: 2 clients (+1 with Standard Premium) General -Raid Challenger enabled. -Change of Hearts Event cleanup. -All Castles are now available for Registration. -Enabled Cursed Weapons. Skills -Adjusted Baium's skill range based on retail. -Adjusted Baylor's skill range based on retail. -Fix for Turn Undead Lethal skill types, will no longer apply half damage. Quests -Increased chance for DinosaurEggDropChance on 'A Powerful Primeval Creature' Quest. -Increased Water Dragon Scale/Clow drop count to 9. -Increased a bit chance to get Tateossian Recipe from Egg Delivery & Delivery of Special Liquor. -Increased Chance for Ancient Egg quest item on A Powerful Primeval Creature. Four Sepulchers -Increased chance for Key Box on second room. -Added logs to debug Key Box rarely not spawning. -Fixed 'Cannot See Targets' on few Corner monsters. -Hitting Statues with Infinity Spear will cancel their Petrification. INERA Store / Services -Addition of A bundle of 2 Premium Coupons with discount price. -Enabled Nature's box.
  2. Event is now available, have fun!
  3. Events -The Weekend Wonders event is in full swing! Elemental stones & Raid drops are increased by 10%, additionally a chance to get Full Vitality by farming monsters! -Adjusted & Enabled Change of Hearts for the Weekend. Fortresses -Adjusted Captains HP. -Power Units will spawn again to avoid stuck on Barracks restoration. Castle Dungeons -Addition of 'Stubborn Resistance' cancel as per retail. -Raid bosses will no longer use Raid Curse but 'Stubborn Resistance'. -Fortress Pailaka waves delay will be faster (same as on Castle one). -Players will be able to re-enter on both Dungeon / Rim Pailaka upon disconnect etc. -Adjusted HP of Minions & Raid bosses based on retail on Rim Pailaka. Geodata -Fixed FoG & Stakato nest unable to move and stuck at certain locations (retail geodata bug). Event Buffer -Changed G.Shield / Siren's Dance to G.Might / Dance of Vampire for Soul Hound class. Services -Enabled Subclass & Noblesse service.
  4. Events -Implemented Raid Challenger Event, Epic's quest item reward increased, Raid boss drop rate +15%, Vitality +50% from Raids and a NEW one-time milestone rewarding Vitality maintain Potion. -Daily Events will Save and Restore Pets/summons buffs while they are summoned. -Summons/Pets will be unsummoned during Zombie Event. -Fix for Farm Only buffs not restored/saved during logout at Vitality Zone / Offline shop. -Fix for Farm Only buffs not restored after server restart while at Vitality Zone / Offline shop. -Fix for Event Buffer Reuse not resetting each day. Quests -'A Game Of Cards' will no longer deletes 'Red Gems' upon abortion. Skills -Aggression & Aura of Hate will no longer consume Soulshots as per retail. Items -Changed Pirate Hat to tradeable. Geodata -Fixed 'Swamp of Scream' unable to move and stuck at few swamps. Please report with /loc if you find any other issue.
  5. The first event from a set of many, coming soon : 31 Jan - 2 Feb! A weekend dedicated to our hard working friends , dwarfs. During this weekend craft chance is increased by +10% and chance to obtain masterwork items is doubled. Spoil drop rate increased by 10%.
  6. Events: -Implemented The Weekend of the Dwarfs mini-event, Craft Chance increased by +10% & Masterwork items Chance is doubled additionally Spoil drop rate increased by 10%. Duration of event: 31 January to 2 February. -Cubics will be removed while teleporting into Zombie Events. Event Buffer: -Event Buffer will spawn randomly between 10 ~ 12 & 20:00 ~ 22:00 (/time) in Giran, to reach different timezones, can be used once per day. -Daily cooldown will apply on Pets/summons too. Quests: -Addition of Fast Mixing (QoL) for Supplier of Reagents Quest. -Dark Cloud Mansion will reward (3) Contaminated Crystals (QoL) each player. -Fixed 'The Clans Reputation' quest showing Shilen's Priest Hisilrome instead of Hekaton Prime. Monsters: -Increased the 'Teleport Back' to spawn range protection by 1000. -Added missing Minions on 'Ketra Commander' monster. -Fix for Summon's over-hit skills not appearing message in system. Skills: -Fixed an issue causing skill 'Sword Shield' to unlearned after Class change. -Fixed Chill Flame & Freezing Flame and similar skills behaviour based on retail. -Fix for Curpse Burst based on reports/retail testing. -Suicide Pet/Summon skills will fully cancel all buffs no matter the condition. Items -Removed invalid reuse skill from Herbs, players will be able to pick up same type of Herbs without issues. -Changed Icon of 'Herb of Critical Attack - Power' to avoid confusion with Mana herbs. -Added Daily Coins & Greater Healing Potion into Vote Reward Chest.
  7. NPCs -From now on Warpgate will offer two Teleport options for entering Hellbound. -Addition of a second spawn for Oracle Guide Crystal Caverns Caverns entrance instance NPC at Parnassus. -Adjusted All Raid bosses respawn timers based on features. -Removed Barakiel's PvP zone. Event Buffer -Farm only buffs will be cancelled while attacking a Raid Boss. -Farm Only buffs will be Preserved on death from monsters, unflagged etc Skills -Adjusted Event Blessing for Vanilla
  8. Vanilla’s x4 Launches in less than 48 hours! Players from CZECH, UKRAINE, POLAND, GREECE, BULGARIA, UK, NA and around the world already joined! Are you ready to fight? Download our Ready to Play client or Updater -> https://vanilla.playinera.com/connect/ and get Ready!
  9. NPCs Hellbound retail fixes: -Fixed 'Arcane Watchman' skills. -Changed Surrender to all 'Chimeras' from level 2 to level 3. -Adjusted Poison / Drain to correct Level for 'Chimera of Darkness'. -Monsters will land harder Debuffs into players with Full resists. -Fix AQ nurses level. Event Buffer -Addition of Discord announcement. Added Event Buffer protections: -Event buffs can be applied only once per day. -Event buffs allowed to only two Characters per HWID. Skills Hellbound retail fixes: -Added chance to all Surrenders. -Chimera's Bleed will also cause Paralyze at the end. -Adjusted 'Arcane Watchman' skills, added missing Element power, correct stats etc. -Adjusted Chimera's Drain to correct stats. Manor 10% more crops/seeds sales when Dominion has an owner; (Path to Becoming a Lord Quest) Services -Clan upgrade service will be available automatically after a Clan enters the Hall of fame. Events -Adjusted OPEN Beta event and added discord announcement for the lucky winners. Items -Adjusted the following items based on forum post -> Loot Crate, Primo Crate
  10. https://discord.com/channels/567422003762561034/1329798677610364929 Add here if you want since a lot of players using discord nowdays 🙂
  11. Quest Rates We have implemented a new system for the Quest rates that will help us balance every important quest in game and not only. General Quest Rates: RateQuestsRewardQIBased = x2. (For some quests that are not listed below) RateQuestsAccessoryReward = x1. RateQuestsScrollReward = x1. RateQuestsRecipeReward = x1. RateQuestsArmorReward = x1. RateQuestsWeaponReward = x1. RateQuestsRewardXP = x2. RateQuestsRewardSP = x2. RateQuestsAdenaReward = x1. List of Dynasty quests that have been adjusted. Quest Reed Field Maintenance: MucrokianHidesDropChance = 50% MucrokianHidesDropCount = 1. Quest Only What Remains: DirtyBeadsDropChance = 28% DirtyBeadsDropCount = 1. Quest Expulsion Of Evil Spirits: SoulCoreContainingDropChance = 2%. SoulCoreContainingDropCount = 1. RagnaOrcAmuletDropChance = 20%. RagnaOrcAmuletDropCount = 1. Quest Take Advantage Of The Crisis: MineralFragmentDropChance = 20%. MineralFragmentDropCount = 1. Quest Giants Exploration part 1: AncientParchmentDropChance = 15%. AncientParchmentDropCount = 1. MysteriousBoxDropChance = 5%. MysteriousBoxDropCount = 1. Quest A Powerful Primeval Creature: DinosaurEggDropChance = 10% DinosaurEggDropCount = 1. DinosaurTissueDropChance = 33% DinosaurTissueDropCount = 1. Quest Rise And Fall Of The Elroki Tribe: BonesOfPlainsDinosaurDropChance = 20% BonesOfPlainsDinosaurDropCount = 1. Quest Judes Request: LesserEvilWeaponDropChance = 30% GreaterEvilWeaponDropChance = 30% EvilWeaponDropCount = 1. Quest Ghosts Of Batur: CursedBurialDropChance = 5% CursedBurialDropCount = 1. List of general quests that have been adjusted. Quest Light Fragment: LightFragmentDropCount = 1. Quest Dark Cloud Mansion (Instance) ContaminatedRewardCount = 3. Quest Crystal Caverns (Instance) CrystalsRewardCount = 1. (Red-Clear-Blue Crystals). Quest Im The Only One You Can Trust: StakatoFangsDropCount = 1. Quest Gather Ingredients for Pie: ForPieVarnishMultiplier = x2. Quest Hunting Leto Lizardman: LetoAdenaRewardMultiplier = x2. LetoAnimalBoneRewardMultiplier = x2. (50 x value) LetoAnimalSkinRewardMultiplier = x2. (50 x value) Quest Black Swan: LizardFangDropChance = 100%. LizardFangDropCount = 1. LizardFangRewardMultiplier = x30. BarrelDropChance = 5%. BarrelDropCount = 1. BarrelRewardMultiplier = x500. BillOfIasonRewardMultiplier = x1. Quest Supplier Of Reagents: ReagentPouchesDropChance = 100%. ReagentPouchesDropCount = 2. DemonsBloodDropChance = 73% DemonsBloodDropCount = 2. Quest Giants Exploration part 2: TitanAncientBookDropChance = 15%. TitanAncientBookDropCount = 1. Quest Yoke Of The Past: AncientScrollDropCount = 2. Quest Get a Pet QIDropCount = 2. Quest Quest for Fishing Shot: SweetFluidDropChance = 100%. SweetFluidDropCount = 1-3 for Low level monsters & 1-5 for High level monsters. Quest Daimon the White Eyed Part 1: EvilSpiritDropCount = 2. Quest Alliance With Ketra Orcs: VarkaBadgeSoldierCount = 2. VarkaBadgeCaptainCount = 2. VarkaBadgeGeneralCount = 2. Quest War with Varka Silenos: WarWithVarkaSilenosDropMult = 2 (manes). Quest Alliance With Varka Silenos: KetraBadgeSoldierCount = 2. KetraBadgeCaptainCount = 2. KetraBadgeGeneralCount = 2. Quest War with Ketra Orcs: WarWithKetraOrcsDropMult = 2 (morals) Quest Gather The Flames: TorchDropCount = 1. Quest Relics Of The Old Empire: BrokenRelicDropCount = 1. Quest The Finest Food: BuffaloMeatDropCount = 2. LeafOfFlavaDropCount = 2. AntelopeHornDropCount = 2. Quest The Finest Ingredients Part 1: NepethesDropCount = 2. BandersnatchlingDropCount = 2. SecretSpiceCount = 2. Quest Heart In Search Of Power: HeartAdenaRewardMultiplier = x2. HeartMaterialMultiplier = x1. Quest Delicious Top Choice Meat: TopQualityMeatDropCount = 6. MaterialRewardMultiplier = x3. Quest Necromancers Request: ZombieBrainDropChance = 100% ZombieBrainDropCount = 8. Quest In Search of Dimensional Fragments: DimensionFragmentDropCount = 3. Quest Seekers Of The HolyGrail: PaganTotemDropChance = 60% PaganTotemDropCount = 2. Quest Guardians Of The Holy Grail: MonkScriptureDropChance = 85% MonkScriptureDropCount = 2. Quest The Zero Hour: TheZeroHourDropChance = 80% TheZeroHourDropCount = 2. Quest Attack Sailren: GazkhDropCount = 2. Quest Grave Robber Annihilation: OrcGraveGoodsDropCount = 1. OrcGraveGoodsRewardMultiplier = x2. Quest An Ice Merchants Dream: SilverIceCrystalDropCount = 1. SilverHemocyteDropCount = 1. SilverHemocyteDropChance = 10% Silver2BlackChance = 30% Quest A Game Of Cards: RedGemDropChance = 35% RedGemDropCount = 2. Quest Seductive Whispers: SpiritBeadDropChance = 35%. SpiritBeadDropCount = 2. Quest Matras Suspicious Request: RedStoneDropCount = 2. Quest How to Oppose Evil: FleetSteedDropCount = 2. NucleusDropCount = 2. BreathOfTiatDropCount = 1. Quest Block the Lords Escape. VesperNobleEnhanceStoneRewardCount = 1. Quest Proof of Existence: DeadmansRemainsDropCount = 1. BansheeQueensEyeDropCount = 1. Quest Third Class Saga Quests: HalishaMarkDropCount = 2. Hellbound Settings (Using Magic Bottle): CeltusContainedLifeForce = 3. ChimeraLifeForce = 3. ChimeraDimLifeForce = 2.
  12. Services: INERA Store: Reward from Boxes: Loot Crate: General items: Steam beetle 2% Purple horse 2% Purple horse 2% Supply box low 5% Supply box mid 5% Supply box high 2% Premium coupon 2% Beauty coupon 5% Reputation box 20% Fruit Cocktail Sweet 50% Fruit Cocktail Fresh 50% Costumes (1) Random 50%: Maid Costume (Female Only) Military Costume Pirate Captain Zaken's Costume (Red) Pirate Captain Zaken's Costume (Blue) Dark Knight Costume White Knight Costume Pirate Costume Healer Costume Royal Wear (Red) Dark Assassin's Costume White Assassin's Costume Chevalier I Costume Valkyrie Costume Chevalier II Costume Wizard Costume Troublemaker's School Uniform Preppy School Uniform Navy Costume Anakim Costume Japanese Warrior's Costume Royal Wear (White) Archer Costume Musketeer Costume (Blue) Musketeer Costume (Red) Primo Crate: General items: Steam beetle 5% Purple horse 5% Golden Lion 5% Supply box low 20% Supply box mid 10% Supply box high 5% Premium coupon 5% Beauty coupon 10% Reputation box 25% Fruit Cocktail Sweet 60% Fruit Cocktail Fresh 60% Costumes Tier II & III (1) Random 80%: Butler Costume Bunny Butler Costume Hanfu Costume Jester Costume Flower Nymph Costume Steampunk Costume Basilisk Costume Thief Costume Devil Costume Lilith Costume Vote Rewards: Vote Reward Chest: Revita-pop 24-hour Expiration 3% Event Reward Pounch 4-hour Expiration 25% XP/SP Adena 15% & Raid Drop by 3% 30min effect duration 5% Supply box low 30% Supply box mid 20% Supply box high 5% Reputation box 10% Fruit Cocktail Sweet 20% Fruit Cocktail Fresh 20%
  13. Premium: Hellbound Starts At Zero Hellbound will start at zero. Players will have the ability to increase the stage of Hellbound by killing monsters in the region. Each monster killed will contribute points towards the current stage of Hellbound, stronger monsters will provide more points than weaker monsters. In contrast to retail, no additional stage conditions are necessary, i.e. no quests or raids. Hellbound's ability to delevel or lose points has also been disabled. To open Hellbound a party must kill Baylor in the Crystal Caverns. Stages are necessary from our experience. Regarding "Free Premium": Or Streamer with views.
  14. General -Fix for ‘Class Change’ service, Recipe list will reset to avoid exploits while transferring from Crafter to Spoiler. NPCs -Aggro / Hate will no longer reset when players moves far away, as far as in range statistics will return and counted as per retail. -Npc ‘Orahochin’ at PI will no longer teleport players in combat as per retail. -Adjusted spawn count of various monsters into ‘Frozen Labyrinth’ area for Epilogue. Events -Implemented Event Buffer Event. CBT -Disabled Christmas & Raising Rudolph Event -Enabled The Letter Collector event! Quests -Removed ‘Rise And Fall Of The Elroki Tribe’ Quest Epilogue dialogues.
  15. PlayINERA Vanilla has officially decided on the date of our OPEN BETA, starting on Friday 17th January 2025 at 21:00 UTC+2, with an exclusive event that will reward participants with various bonuses. Read the rules carefully and make sure to tell your friends about the event! Do not miss this one. Now then, we present to you our OPEN BETA exclusive event: Here’s how it works briefly: 1) An NPC named ‘The Judge’ will spawn in Giran for the first 30 minutes of the OPEN BETA. This NPC will spawn at exactly 21:00 UTC+2 on Friday 17th January 2025. 2) Interact with this NPC and your master account will be given special privileges to obtain Legendary starter pack for all game accounts created. 3) Having spoken to the NPC will allow for all new characters to start with a legendary starter pack on the official launch day on 24th January 2025, 21:00 UTC+2. 4) ‘The Judge’ will reward the first 2 players with PREMIUM Account that will be enabled on 24th January 2025!!! 4) Send message to @Ray on Forum or Discord with your Forum name to get Legendary Role on Discord! Good luck!
  16. PlayINERA has officially decided on the launch date of our Last server, Vanilla X4, starting on Friday 24th January 2025 at 21:00 UTC+2 We would be glad to see familiar faces again as well as welcome new ones! https://vanilla.playinera.com/features/
  17. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: VANILLA X4 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1st way: -Ready to Play client (including EU updater) -> Ready to Play will be available after OBT 2nd way: -EU Updater -> or EU Updater Zip -> (zip version in case above detected as virus due to .exe download) How it works: 1st way: -Download, then unzip/extract, open PlayINERA Vanilla x4 folder and run PlayINERA Remastered.exe! 2nd way: -Download updater based on your Region, Create a Folder with your desired name, Move PlayINERA Vanilla.exe there and run it, a full download of our client will begin. Final step: https://account.playinera.com/ Join Discord -> https://discord.com/invite/WD8fWf5
  18. We will reward a Clan Hall for clans that will Register before Opening, region depending the number of players! Available Clan Halls for the Event: 10 2 Aden (Castle siege enabled) 2 Giran (Castle siege enabled) 2 Goddard (Castle siege enabled) 2 Gludio 2 Dion
  19. Greetings everyone, Following the success of our Vanilla project, we decided to launch it again as Last PlayINERA’s Server! We are currently in Closed Beta adjusting every little detail so we can announce Launch date information. Vanilla will have Strict Botting & Client Limitation Rules and Chronicle Progression from Gracia Final to Gracia Epilogue to H5 in Long term! Features -> https://vanilla.playinera.com/features/ (Not final yet)
  20. Chapter III General -Max level is increased to 85 -Max level on subclass increased to 85 -Maximum attribute allowed in weapons is increased to 150 -Maximum attribute allowed in armors is increased to 60 -Monster difficulty increased by around 10% (total 20%) (P.Atk/M.Atk) -Enabled Cursed Weapons. Epics -Ant Queen, Core, Orfen increased to level 83, same chance on Epic Jewel, addition of Eas/Ews/Beas/Bews drop. -Fix for Tiat, Celestial Shield will now work properly. -Fix for Valakas Stun teleporting players outside Lair in rare cases. -Added 10 minute window while restarting into Frintezza zone. Quests -Fix for Jude's Request deleting Quest items rewarded from Milestone Rewards. Milestone Rewards -Defeat 666 Monsters in the Hellbound only for players 78+ Level. Katarina -Addition of 'Blessing of Queen' & 'Gift of Seraphim'. Hellbound -Addition of Base Tower, Advance Pedestal & Tower of Naia Elpy teleport into Deltuva.
  21. Milestone Rewards Addition of new Daily Milestone Rewards: Daily: -Defeat 700 Monsters in the FoG -Defeat 700 Monsters in the IT -Defeat 700 Monsters in the Pagans -Defeat 700 Monsters in the MoS -Defeat 700 Monsters in the Stakato -Defeat 700 Monsters in the IoP -Defeat 666 Monsters in the Hellbound -Defeat Tears, Kechi or Darnel -Defeat the Yehan brothers in the SoI Weekly: -Participate in an Event Monthly: -Slay an Epic Raid Boss
  22. Chapter II Knut -Addition of 'Dismantle' on Knut, transforms A Grade gear into Daily Coins(Mats). Only A Grade items you own will be shown in the list. To be eligible for conversion an item must be Unsealed, Varnished (for foundation), have no SA applied (weapon's SA can be removed by the black marketeer of mammon), have no PVP effect applied and lastly the item cannot be common, shadow or clan item (Apella). -Addition of 'Find the Mammons' on Knut, with a small fee of Adena & AA will send you the location of Mammons. -Addition of 'Totem of Valor', 'Totem of Wisdom', 'Feather of Valor' and 'Feather of Wisdom' on Knut traded with Adena Mane/Molar. Katarina -Adjusted Karma & PK clean prices. -Addition of 'Elemental Protection' & 'Arcane Protection' for all classes. General -Every Character created since 1st April will receive Newbie Box containing (Rune of EXP/SP 7 days, Rune of SP 7 days, Revita-Pop, 2 Potion of Energy Maintenance & 48h Expiration Random Costume). -Enabled Weddings. -New port option from Goddard to Lower Forge Of Gods is available. -New port option from Goddard to Four Sepulchers is available. -New port option from Aden to ToI 11 is available. -Changed the duration of Cancel Return from 15 to 30 seconds. -Max level is increased to 83 -Maximum attribute allowed in weapons is increased to 75 -Maximum attribute allowed in armors is increased to 30 -Fix for Cancel return message showing during Olympiad games. -Decreased Penalty for Leaving/kicked from a Clan from 24h to 6h. -Decreased Resolve Ally Penalty from 24h to 12h. NPCs -Monster difficulty increased by around 10% (P.Atk/M.Atk) -Adjusted Monsters debuff skill cast chance. Events -Enabled 'Weekend Wonders'. The Weekend Wonders event is in full swing! Elemental stones & Raid drops are increased by 25% additionally Seal Stone drops are increased by 15%! (FRIDAY,SATURDAY,SUNDAY) Epics -Queen Ant's Zone Level Limit will also apply on Pets. 48+ pets will be unsummoned and cannot summoned back. -Queen Ant, Orfen, Core: Changed Epic Jewel chance from 30% to 50%. -Added announce for Epic bosses PvP Zones Antharas, Baium, Frintezza, Valakas, Core, Orfen, Barakiel & Queen Ant.
  23. General -Automatic CP potion will pause inside Clan Halls. -Fixed Bot Report button, ALT + C -> Bot Report. -Fix for Mana Crystal not working into Dion area Fortresses. -Addition of Fast Mixing for Supplier of Reagents Quest. Knut -Changed the cost for Summon Blacksmith/Merchant to 10kk Ancient Adena & 50kk Adena, On screen message will be sent to all players online, mammon will appear only for 5 minutes. -Addition of Clan Level 4 & Clan Level 5 Quest items into Specialty Items. Raids -NEW Raid bosses(75+) rewards: Reputation box, Enchant box, Clan Egg box. Only for General area 75+ bosses. Geodata -Fix for FoG waters, players will automatically teleported outside in case they fall. -Fix for Fortresses Cannot see target on few guards.
  24. General -Fix Login issues after DDos protection. -Pet buffs will be saved on relog but not during summon/unsummon. -New On screen message when a Vitality Replenishing Herb drops on the ground, message will also apply on every party member in range. NPCs -Adventurer's guide & Katarina will now Full heal after applying buffs while in Peace zone. -Addition of 'Shrine of Loyalty' teleport from Goddard. Seven Signs -Disabled Curse from Seven Signs. -Teleporation into Catacombs/Necropolis will now cost from 10,000 up to 100,000 Adena! Quests -Fix for Alliance With Ketra Orcs & Alliance With Varka Silenos retail client issue with Notification not updating, from now it will close on every Alliance level-up and re-open after killing a monster. Events -Preparations for enabling Auto events. -Fix for Capture the Flag issues. -Chant of Victory & Resist Shock will be applied on maximum enchant level on Events. -Hide Radar for Domination Event. -Additional warning for players to find a safe spot at 2 minutes. -Players will be able to Register on Events while in combat but they should remain out of combat before teleportation. Geodata -Applied Gracia Final Geodata for Mithril mines & Stakato Nest.
  25. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: REMASTERED X10 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1st way: -Ready to Play client (including EU updater) -> Ready to Play will be available after OBT 2nd way: -EU Updater -> https://tinyurl.com/Remasteredx10EU2 or EU Updater Zip -> https://tinyurl.com/Remasteredx10EUZip2 (zip version in case above detected as virus due to .exe download) How it works: 1st way: -Download, then unzip/extract, open PlayINERA Remastered x10 folder and run PlayINERA Remastered.exe! 2nd way: -Download updater based on your Region, Create a Folder with your desired name, Move PlayINERA Remastered.exe there and run it, a full download of our client will begin. Final step: https://account.playinera.com/ Join Discord -> https://discord.com/invite/WD8fWf5
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