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Asher joined the community
-Epilogue Update & Hellbound Level 12 -XP/SP 30% Bonus for all players below 80 level -Blacksmith & Merchant of Mammon into Giran – Cata/Necro farm without registering (Allowing new players to have faster progress Duration: 30-Days.) -Services Enabled: Class change into same class type. -World chat Welcome message for every new player. -Changed Client Limit from (2+1) to (3+1). -Adventurer’s guide will apply additional buffs for players below 80 Level (Berz, G. Might/Shield, Dance of Fury/Warrior/Con/Mystic Song of Wind) Have fun!
- Last week
General -Fully updated to Epilogue Chronicle. -Changed Client Limit from (2+1) to (3+1). -Changed Hellbound from 11 to 12 (final) Level. -All players below 80 Level will receive 30% XP/SP Rune. -World chat Welcome message for every new player. -Services Enabled: Class change into same class type. Olympiad -Changed Minimum players for entering from 9 to 7. -Changed Entering time from 120 to 60 seconds. NPCs -Adventurer’s guide will apply additional buffs for players below 80 Level (Berz, G. Might/Shield, Dance of Fury/Warrior/Con/Mystic Song of Wind) -Adjusted Helvetia’s Soulshots & Spiritshots prices. -Blacksmith & Merchant of Mammon into Giran – Cata/Necro farm without registering (Allowing new players to have faster progress Duration: 30-Days.) *Note for Anakim/Lilith, seal stone exchange etc Registration needed. Skills -Changed Song of Vitality back to x2 time. Items -Cleanup for Luxury & Noble Event.
Nefakt joined the community
maxlikai1 joined the community
tryingsth joined the community
Arphen joined the community
ZaNick09 joined the community
Laur24 joined the community
- Earlier
Hello everyone, Vanilla x4 will upgrade into Gracia Epilogue at 27th March 2025! Changes that will apply along with Epilogue update: -Epilogue Update & Hellbound Level 12 -XP/SP Bonus for all players below 80 level -Blacksmith & Merchant of Mammon into Giran - Cata/Necro farm without registering (Allowing new players to have faster progress Duration: 30-Days.) -Services Enabled: Class change into same class type. -World chat Welcome message for every new player. Stay tuned!
putarooss joined the community
drqven joined the community
Artu joined the community
NPCs -Addition of Helvetia next to Pushkin at Giran as [QOL] -Fixed Tully’s 3 monsters respawn to 15 minutes as per retail. -Removed Flying dragons from PI. Epic bosses -Boosted Antharas to level 83 for Hellbound stage 7+. -Boosted Baium to level 83 for Hellbound stage 7+. Events -Adjusted Event Buffer to a new system, always spawned in Giran & it will reset both PC & Character re-use at 6:30 /time following discord / in game notification. -Event Buffer will buff Pets/Summons only when Character is 20 Level or more. -Event Buffer Global cooldown Reuse due to changes applied. -Preparations for Luxury & Noble Event, more info on Events forum/discord discussions. Skills -Removed ‘Sword Shield’ From Female Inspector/Judicator as per retail. -Fix for ‘Rush Impact’ from now will apply Over-Hit. -Fix for ‘Shield of Faith’ Party damage should apply only if HP is more than Damage. -Fix for Skill window Learn skill possibly exploit. -Fix for ‘Soul Rage’ can be used on NPCs to charge souls. Items -Addition of Soulshots/Spiritshots up to A grade into Helvetia located in Giran. -CTRL + CLICK On Attribute stones will apply all stones into the selected Armor/Weapon. [QOL] -Fix for all ‘Charm of Courage’ when pressing outside siege correct system message will appear. -Increased ‘Key of the Evil Eye’ chance to 100% and Min/Max to 1/2. (Key needed for Inflitrate the town at Hellbound). -Fix for Item skill enchantment failure Crystal amount. Olympiad -Fix for Olympiad skill cooldown refresh, it should check for Base reuse delay not current that can be affected from Seal of Suspension etc type of skills. -Players will be able to receive buffs from Olympiad Host while casting self buffs as long the window is opened as per retail.
-Luxury shop will now sell Top B grade armors for the duration of the event. -The chance of obtaining Common items while hunting is increased. -Noblesse only teleport options can be used by anyone without restrictions. New limited time item can be acquired from luxury shop in Giran : La Vie En Rose Brooch, that allows 2 jewels to be equipped. The following jewels can drop from 40+ Lv. monsters during this event: Ruby Lvl 1 and Sapphire Lvl 1 . They can be upgraded at the luxury shop or exchanged for limited time S weapons. Have Fun! *Brooches, Rubys, Sapphires cleanup will occur after Event ends.
Events Buff Addiction Event Weekend event is now enabled: -Event Buffer always spawned in Giran. -Event Buffer Global 12-h cooldown re-use. -Dance & Songs from 2 to 4 minutes. General -Disabled Epilogue Damage reduction formula (if the player's level is lower than 2 or more levels of the mob 78+, then his damage to the mob is reduced) -Registrations for the Olympiad Games will be temporary suspended while an INERA Daily Event is active. Items -Changed Reuse for every Supply box from 5 to 1 second. Client -Fix for Aggression Enchant route description. -Fix for Rage Enchant route description. -Fix for all Sigils appearing as Sickle.
Newbie bonuses -Every Character Created since 17th February will receive Newbie Box that contains: Rune of EXP/SP 50% 5 Days, 1 Revita-Pop & 1 Potion of Energy Maintenance. -Vitality is not consumed until lvl 20. -Changed Client Limit for the Weekend: 2 clients (+1 with Standard Premium) General -Raid Challenger enabled. -Change of Hearts Event cleanup. -All Castles are now available for Registration. -Enabled Cursed Weapons. Skills -Adjusted Baium's skill range based on retail. -Adjusted Baylor's skill range based on retail. -Fix for Turn Undead Lethal skill types, will no longer apply half damage. Quests -Increased chance for DinosaurEggDropChance on 'A Powerful Primeval Creature' Quest. -Increased Water Dragon Scale/Clow drop count to 9. -Increased a bit chance to get Tateossian Recipe from Egg Delivery & Delivery of Special Liquor. -Increased Chance for Ancient Egg quest item on A Powerful Primeval Creature. Four Sepulchers -Increased chance for Key Box on second room. -Added logs to debug Key Box rarely not spawning. -Fixed 'Cannot See Targets' on few Corner monsters. -Hitting Statues with Infinity Spear will cancel their Petrification. INERA Store / Services -Addition of A bundle of 2 Premium Coupons with discount price. -Enabled Nature's box.
Why do you hear boss music? Its Raid Challenger weekend ! Again! Available 21-23 Feb -Quest: Audience with the land dragon , reward increased from 1 to 3 portal stones. -Quest: Journey to a settlement , reward increased from 1 to 2 force field removal scrolls. -Quest: Into the Flames , reward increased from 1 to 3 floating stones. -Quest: An arrogant search , number of bloody fabrics increased to 15. -Instance : Dark cloud mansion , reward increased from 3 to 9 contaminated crystals. -Raid boss drop rate increased by 15%. -Vitality acquired by defeating raids increased by 50%. -A one time only milestone will be created for the duration of the event: Raid Challenger-defeat 5 bosses .Rewards 30 daily coins and Vitality maintaining potion. New: -If 150 Rbs or more are killed during the event , Raid boss drop rate will permanently stay at +15%. -All raid bosses killed during the event( excluding instances/epic bosses) will drop Blood Parchments , 1-2 depending on Rb difficulty and 65-100% chance also depending on Rb difficulty . Parchments can be sold and traded between players , or exchanged for for a 3 day limited Boss jewel . Ant Queen ring and Zaken's Earring can be purchased for 5 and 7 parchments via the Daily Coin shop. -The limited time event jewels will be removed from shop once event is over , but the purchased jewels will remain until they expire. Unused blood parchments can be stored in warehouse for future use when the event will come back .
Event is now available, have fun!
Events -The Weekend Wonders event is in full swing! Elemental stones & Raid drops are increased by 10%, additionally a chance to get Full Vitality by farming monsters! -Adjusted & Enabled Change of Hearts for the Weekend. Fortresses -Adjusted Captains HP. -Power Units will spawn again to avoid stuck on Barracks restoration. Castle Dungeons -Addition of 'Stubborn Resistance' cancel as per retail. -Raid bosses will no longer use Raid Curse but 'Stubborn Resistance'. -Fortress Pailaka waves delay will be faster (same as on Castle one). -Players will be able to re-enter on both Dungeon / Rim Pailaka upon disconnect etc. -Adjusted HP of Minions & Raid bosses based on retail on Rim Pailaka. Geodata -Fixed FoG & Stakato nest unable to move and stuck at certain locations (retail geodata bug). Event Buffer -Changed G.Shield / Siren's Dance to G.Might / Dance of Vampire for Soul Hound class. Services -Enabled Subclass & Noblesse service.
Event has ended ! Cya next weekend with a brand new event.
This weekend's mini event will merge with an all-time classic event. Available 14-16 Feb. -Change of Hearts classic event is enabled . -Inventory space increased by 10 -Elemental stones & Raid drops increased by 10% -There is a small chance to fully recover your vitality while taking down monsters Change of hearts classic event details: -Monsters drop heart pieces with a 20% chance. -Collect the full set of 9 pieces and play a game: 1 win: L2Day buff scrolls 2 wins: Greater Potions 3 wins: x1 Blessed Scroll of Escape 4 wins: x1 Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 5 wins: x2 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C) 6 wins: x4 Scroll: Enchant Armor (B) 7 wins: x1 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B) 8 wins: x3 Scroll: Enchant Armor (A) 9 wins: x1 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A) 10 wins: x2 Scroll: Enchant Armor (S) 11 wins: x1 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S) & 20% Chance to get TOP A weapon
Events -Implemented Raid Challenger Event, Epic's quest item reward increased, Raid boss drop rate +15%, Vitality +50% from Raids and a NEW one-time milestone rewarding Vitality maintain Potion. -Daily Events will Save and Restore Pets/summons buffs while they are summoned. -Summons/Pets will be unsummoned during Zombie Event. -Fix for Farm Only buffs not restored/saved during logout at Vitality Zone / Offline shop. -Fix for Farm Only buffs not restored after server restart while at Vitality Zone / Offline shop. -Fix for Event Buffer Reuse not resetting each day. Quests -'A Game Of Cards' will no longer deletes 'Red Gems' upon abortion. Skills -Aggression & Aura of Hate will no longer consume Soulshots as per retail. Items -Changed Pirate Hat to tradeable. Geodata -Fixed 'Swamp of Scream' unable to move and stuck at few swamps. Please report with /loc if you find any other issue.
Why do you hear boss music? Its Raid Challenger weekend ! Available 7 Feb to 9 Feb. -Quest: Audience with the land dragon , reward increased from 1 to 3 portal stones. -Quest: Journey to a settlement , reward increased from 1 to 2 force field removal scrolls. -Quest: Into the Flames , reward increased from 1 to 3 floating stones. -Quest: An arrogant search , number of bloody fabrics increased to 15. -Instance : Dark cloud mansion , reward increased from 3 to 9 contaminated crystals. -Raid boss drop rate increased by 15%. -Vitality acquired by defeating raids increased by 50%. -A one time only milestone will be created for the duration of the event: Raid Challenger-defeat 5 bosses .Rewards 30 daily coins and Vitality maintaining potion.
Event has ended ! Cya next weekend with a brand new event.
Sarasti changed their profile photo
The first event from a set of many, coming soon : 31 Jan - 2 Feb! A weekend dedicated to our hard working friends , dwarfs. During this weekend craft chance is increased by +10% and chance to obtain masterwork items is doubled. Spoil drop rate increased by 10%.
Events: -Implemented The Weekend of the Dwarfs mini-event, Craft Chance increased by +10% & Masterwork items Chance is doubled additionally Spoil drop rate increased by 10%. Duration of event: 31 January to 2 February. -Cubics will be removed while teleporting into Zombie Events. Event Buffer: -Event Buffer will spawn randomly between 10 ~ 12 & 20:00 ~ 22:00 (/time) in Giran, to reach different timezones, can be used once per day. -Daily cooldown will apply on Pets/summons too. Quests: -Addition of Fast Mixing (QoL) for Supplier of Reagents Quest. -Dark Cloud Mansion will reward (3) Contaminated Crystals (QoL) each player. -Fixed 'The Clans Reputation' quest showing Shilen's Priest Hisilrome instead of Hekaton Prime. Monsters: -Increased the 'Teleport Back' to spawn range protection by 1000. -Added missing Minions on 'Ketra Commander' monster. -Fix for Summon's over-hit skills not appearing message in system. Skills: -Fixed an issue causing skill 'Sword Shield' to unlearned after Class change. -Fixed Chill Flame & Freezing Flame and similar skills behaviour based on retail. -Fix for Curpse Burst based on reports/retail testing. -Suicide Pet/Summon skills will fully cancel all buffs no matter the condition. Items -Removed invalid reuse skill from Herbs, players will be able to pick up same type of Herbs without issues. -Changed Icon of 'Herb of Critical Attack - Power' to avoid confusion with Mana herbs. -Added Daily Coins & Greater Healing Potion into Vote Reward Chest.
NPCs -From now on Warpgate will offer two Teleport options for entering Hellbound. -Addition of a second spawn for Oracle Guide Crystal Caverns Caverns entrance instance NPC at Parnassus. -Adjusted All Raid bosses respawn timers based on features. -Removed Barakiel's PvP zone. Event Buffer -Farm only buffs will be cancelled while attacking a Raid Boss. -Farm Only buffs will be Preserved on death from monsters, unflagged etc Skills -Adjusted Event Blessing for Vanilla
Ronnie started following DoomSquad Clan
Greetings Inera players. DoomSquad will be joining this server this Friday! Let’s have some fun!!
Vanilla’s x4 Launches in less than 48 hours! Players from CZECH, UKRAINE, POLAND, GREECE, BULGARIA, UK, NA and around the world already joined! Are you ready to fight? Download our Ready to Play client or Updater -> and get Ready!
Analyser changed their profile photo
ským sem jdeš? 🙂
Kermit changed their profile photo
humanmaster started following Fangorn
Hello everyone, our cp are planning to play on this server and make clan, so we will be glad to meet old friends (pm in game KalEl)
NPCs Hellbound retail fixes: -Fixed 'Arcane Watchman' skills. -Changed Surrender to all 'Chimeras' from level 2 to level 3. -Adjusted Poison / Drain to correct Level for 'Chimera of Darkness'. -Monsters will land harder Debuffs into players with Full resists. -Fix AQ nurses level. Event Buffer -Addition of Discord announcement. Added Event Buffer protections: -Event buffs can be applied only once per day. -Event buffs allowed to only two Characters per HWID. Skills Hellbound retail fixes: -Added chance to all Surrenders. -Chimera's Bleed will also cause Paralyze at the end. -Adjusted 'Arcane Watchman' skills, added missing Element power, correct stats etc. -Adjusted Chimera's Drain to correct stats. Manor 10% more crops/seeds sales when Dominion has an owner; (Path to Becoming a Lord Quest) Services -Clan upgrade service will be available automatically after a Clan enters the Hall of fame. Events -Adjusted OPEN Beta event and added discord announcement for the lucky winners. Items -Adjusted the following items based on forum post -> Loot Crate, Primo Crate