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Tutorial: Crystal Caverns


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№ 1: Steam Corridor
You will need :
1xitem ( Contaminated crystal | all members )  4+ item ( Red Coral | all members )

№ 2: Emerald Square
You will need : 1x
item ( Contaminated crystal | all members )   4+item ( Secret Key | only one member )

№ 3: Coral Garden
You will need :
1xitem ( Contaminated crystal | all members )  30+item ( Crystal Fragment ) 3+item ( Water Dragon Scale | all members  )

№ 4: Attack Baylor!
Once you have all 3 crystals gathered form the previous instances you can face Baylor. Each party member will need 3+
item ( Water Dragon Claw ) , item used to destroy Baylor's immunity once he reaches about 10% HP. Upon entering his instance , one crystal is consumed at random , luckily Lahm will gladly convert crystals between them so you can easily match crystals with other people .
Good Luck !

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